How Old is Someone Born in 1998: A Comprehensive Analysis

Last updated on September 8th, 2024 at 01:45 pm

How Old is Someone Born in 1998

Age is one of the most fundamental aspects of human identity, often serving as a marker of life stages, societal expectations, and personal milestones.

A question that frequently arises is, “How old is someone born in 1998?”

While this may seem straightforward at first glance, the answer can vary depending on several factors, including the exact date of birth, the current year, and the specific month and day the question is being asked.

In this article, we will delve into how to accurately calculate the age of someone born in 1998, explore the significance of age in different contexts, and discuss how age relates to various life experiences.

The Simple Calculation: Determining Age

Basic Calculation Method

To determine the age of someone born in 1998, the simplest method is to subtract 1998 from the current year.

If we are in the year 2024, the calculation would be as follows:

Age = 2024 − 1998 = 26

However, this result assumes that the person’s birthday has already occurred in 2024.

If their birthday is later in the year, their age would still be 25.

Considering Birthdays

The exact age calculation hinges on whether the person has had their birthday yet in the current year.

For example:

  • If their birthday is January 15, 2024: The person would be 26 years old.
  • If their birthday is December 5, 2024: As of September 2024, the person would still be 25 years old.

Understanding this nuance is important for accurate age determination.

The Importance of Age in Various Contexts

Age is not just a number; it has different implications depending on the context.

Let’s explore some of the significant areas where age plays a crucial role.

Legal Milestones

Age determines eligibility for various legal rights and responsibilities.

In many countries:

  • At 18 years old: A person legally becomes an adult, gaining the right to vote, sign contracts, and be tried as an adult in the legal system.
  • At 21 years old: In the United States, this is the legal drinking age.
  • At 25 years old: Some car rental companies offer lower rates or waive extra fees for drivers who reach this age.

For someone born in 1998, turning 18 in 2016 marked a significant transition into adulthood.

By 2023, at age 25, they may have gained more freedoms and responsibilities, particularly in financial and legal contexts.

Educational and Career Stages

Age can also be a marker of where someone might be in their educational or professional life.


  • At 18 years old: Many people graduate from high school and enter college or the workforce.
  • By 22-23 years old: Many have completed their undergraduate education.
  • By 25-26 years old: Individuals might be pursuing advanced degrees, establishing themselves in their careers, or taking on leadership roles in their professions.

A person born in 1998 would have finished high school around 2016 and possibly completed their college education by 2020 or 2021, entering the workforce or continuing with higher education.

Also Read: How Old Is Someone Born in 1969

Social Expectations and Life Milestones

Societal expectations often correlate with age, influencing life choices and experiences.

By the age of 25-26, individuals may experience pressure to achieve certain life milestones, such as:

  • Starting a Career: Many people in this age group are focused on building a career or advancing in their chosen field.
  • Relationships and Family: Social norms may encourage settling down, getting married, or starting a family. While these expectations vary widely, they often shape life decisions.
  • Financial Independence: By mid-20s, many people strive for financial independence, such as buying a home, saving for retirement, or paying off student loans.

For someone born in 1998, the mid-20s can be a period of significant personal and professional growth, marked by these milestones.

Generational Identity: Millennials vs. Generation Z

The year 1998 sits at the cusp between two generations: Millennials and Generation Z.

This generational identity can influence values, behaviors, and life perspectives.

Millennials (Born 1981-1996)

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are characterized by their familiarity with digital technology, having grown up during the rise of the internet.

They are often associated with values such as diversity, inclusion, and social justice.

A person born in 1998 may share some Millennial traits, especially if they identify more with this cohort’s cultural touchstones.

Generation Z (Born 1997-2012)

Generation Z, often referred to as “digital natives,” have never known a world without the internet and mobile technology.

They are known for being pragmatic, financially conservative, and socially aware.

As someone born in 1998 is more closely aligned with Generation Z, they may exhibit these characteristics, especially in their approach to technology, social media, and global issues.

Straddling Two Generations

Being born in 1998 means straddling two generational identities.

This unique position can lead to a blend of characteristics from both Millennials and Generation Z, shaping the individual’s worldview and interactions with others.

The Psychological Perspective: Age and Identity

Age is also a significant factor in psychological development.

According to Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development:

  • Young Adulthood (18-40 years): This stage involves the challenge of forming intimate relationships versus feeling isolated. At 25-26 years old, individuals are typically navigating the complexities of romantic relationships, friendships, and professional connections.

For someone born in 1998, the mid-20s may be a time of significant self-reflection and identity formation, as they establish their place in the world and build long-lasting relationships.

Conclusion: More Than Just a Number

The question, “How old is someone born in 1998?” goes beyond simple mathematics.

While the basic answer in 2024 is either 25 or 26 years old, the implications of age are far-reaching.

Age influences legal status, educational and career milestones, social expectations, generational identity, and psychological development.

For someone born in 1998, being 25 or 26 years old in 2024 is a time of transition, growth, and self-discovery, marked by the unique experiences and challenges of this particular life stage.

Understanding how age intersects with various aspects of life can provide valuable insights into what it means to be in one’s mid-20s in today’s world.

Whether it’s navigating new responsibilities, forming deeper relationships, or understanding one’s place within generational trends, age is a crucial component of personal and social identity.

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